
WA powerball win: Boss’ quip to Goldfields miners who shared staggering $53m jackpot

Blake AntrobusNCA NewsWire
VideoKalgoorlie-Boulder mates take home $53 million in Powerball

A group of West Aussie miners has literally struck gold after winning a share of last Thursday’s staggering $160 million Powerball jackpot.

While at least one of them is likely to continue working, their boss quipped that he would “run after them” and steal their ticket if they did not come back to work — on learning that 20 of his best workers had shared in the prize.

The group of 20 from Kalgoorlie-Boulder paid $100 each for their tickets, walking away with $53 million of the division one winnings.

Each of them pocketed about $2.65 million.

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One of the miners, Peter, told 6PR Radio that the realisation of winning was “still sinking in”.

“I only thought we’d won the second division,” the 54-year-old said.

“This was a one-off because it was a big draw … it was a spur of the moment thing.

“I couldn’t believe it. I checked the ticket about 10 times.”

Chris Wood, the group’s boss, quipped that he would “run after them and steal their ticket” if his employees did not come back to work.

He said he was still in disbelief at the news.

“They’re great workers, it is my best shift,” Mr Wood told the ABC.

“I’m ecstatic. I’m very happy for each of them. I expect I might lose them, though.”

Despite turning the super pit into a super pot of gold, one woman said the jackpot was not enough for her to quit her mining job.
Camera IconDespite turning the super pit into a super pot of gold, one woman said the jackpot was not enough for her to quit her mining job. Credit: Unknown/Supplied

In a video posted on Facebook, one of the miners confirmed that she would be sticking with her job.

“‘You know how they say ‘one Powerball and I’m out of here’? Well, it ain’t true,” the ecstatic woman said in the video.

“I’ve known since the start of my shift and I’m still loading trucks.

“So yeah, there’s 18 at my work who are now millionaires.”

It is the second time in 2022 that the WA mining city has landed a massive lottery win.

In February, 250 residents pooled their tickets to claim part of a $63 million jackpot.

The $160 million Powerball was shared with two other winners — a dad from NSW and a man from Clyde in Victoria.

The Clyde blue-collar worker cried “tears of joy” upon learning he had won $53 million.

“Oh my god, oh my god. I can’t believe this,” he cried.

“Holy sh*t! Far out! I’m absolutely speechless.

“I never thought I’d get this phone call. This has changed my life.”

Originally published as Boss’s quip to mine workers who shared staggering $53m jackpot

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