2023 Easter messages: Easter greetings from Geraldton and Mid West community and church leaders

Community and church leaders remind us to remember what’s important this Easter.

Easter is almost upon us and I bet everyone is looking forward to having a well-earned break with family and friends.
Whether you’re going away for a few days or staying in Greater Geraldton I hope your Easter holiday is filled with all the good stuff!
Remember to check in on people who might be alone or not have any plans, and consider inviting them over for a friendly barbecue or catch up with them at the Geraldton Foreshore over some fish and chips. Easter is a time to come together.
This time of year in the Mid West is always an absolute treat. The weather is perfect and there’s lots on the events calendar. Easter also signifies the start of the school holiday, and the City of Greater Geraldton’s School Holiday Program is packed to the rafters yet again. Be sure to check out the program on our website and social media — the kids will thank you for it.
If you’re travelling over the break, be sure to drive safely and look out for others. Getting to your destination as quickly as possible is never as important as arriving safely, so take your time and have plenty of breaks.
From all of the councillors and staff at the City of Greater Geraldton, we wish you a safe and happy Easter.

“He has risen from the dead and now is going before you to Galilee, it is there you will see him”.
These words spoken by the angel of the Lord immediately scattered the darkness of despair for the women coming to visit Jesus’ tomb.
They were then filled with “awe and great joy”, and ran to tell their friends, the disciples. They all had seen him die on the cross in the dark events of Good Friday, but now they were joyful messengers of a new reality, that Jesus was and always will be present with them.
In reflecting on the women’s total despair turning to overwhelming joy, I thought of the people I have seen and met with in the the past year in the varied communities of faith within the Dioceses of Geraldton and Broome.
What I have seen is faith, joy, hope and a deep connection with their communities despite challenging circumstances and situations. I have seen many making decisions and choices based on their relationship with Jesus.
I have witnessed living saints in these communities, supporting one another to remain people of hope and joy. These people were, “. . . available to answer His call and to live united to the Lord in the most common daily things . . . allowing ourselves to be guided always by the Holy Spirit” — Pope Francis.
Let us bless one another this Easter with our kindness and compassion and I pray that the blessings of Jesus, the Risen Lord, will be with you through all the seasons of your life.

Easter is upon us again — the months fly by us in a blur! This past year was memorable for many reasons, but one event that will surely make it into the history books was the passing of our beloved Queen Elizabeth II.
We have varying views on the monarchy but were united in celebrating the life she offered up in service of her subjects. Her extraordinary life points us toward the sacrificial life and death of Jesus Christ, in whom she herself trusted.
On Good Friday we reflect on the death of a King who gave his life out of love for the peoples of the world, taking the penalty for all wrongdoing upon his own shoulders.
We mourn the loss, but not for long. On Easter Sunday we celebrate the risen Jesus who was raised to life by His Father, winning a spectacular victory over death, offering us eternal life in Him.
Australians observe these two occasions in many different ways and there is plenty on offer in the Midwest over the Easter Weekend. It’s a uniquely special time to explore what faith in our community looks like. You are welcome — so come and share with us this Easter.

Road safety over the Easter and school holiday period is top of mind for everyone but this year as we head into the holiday break it will be particularly busy in the north of our State.
As West Australians and people in my electorate hit the road ahead of the Easter long weekend I remind everyone using country roads to slow down and take care.
Many towns across our electorate will be welcoming large numbers of travellers from across Australia and the world, many for the first time to view the solar eclipse on April 20, adding to the traffic on our roads.
It is important to be mindful of road users, be patient, take breaks, share the drive where you can when travelling long distances, and keep abreast of weather conditions and any closed roads.
We know regional roads provide further challenges for drivers, with long stretches, roaming wildlife and unsealed roads.
Have a happy Easter holiday break and please stay safe.

I remember as a young Christian being confused about the term “Good Friday”.
What could be good about an innocent man being murdered in such a brutal, humiliating and public way?
But it is good because on that day Jesus took the consequence we each deserve, for thumbing our nose at God, for not acknowledging God as our creator, sustainer and king.
It is good because justice was served, and mercy received. It is good because there is a “get out of jail free” gift on offer for those who are willing to accept that Jesus exchanged his righteousness for their unrighteousness.
Perhaps it should be called Great! Fantastic! Spectacular! Amazing! The Best News Ever! Friday?
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