The Shore Leave festival was officially launched at an event on Geraldton's foreshore on Wednesday. Picture: Liam Beatty/Geraldton Guardian
Alannah MacTiernan, Mark McGowan, Matt Rutter, Shane Van Styn, Rodd Little and Dr Rochelle Macdonald. Picture: Geraldton Guardian
Premier Mark McGowan spoke about the need for Geraldton to showcase it's growth. Picture: Geraldton Guardian
Shaun McInnes and Cecile O'Connor. Picture: Elise Van Aken/Geraldton Guardian
Cody Palmer, Matt Rutter and Hayley Palmer. Picture: Geraldton Guardian
Mackenzie Bignell, Jasmine McCartney and Sarah Drage. Picture: Elise Van Aken/Geraldton Guardian, Elise Van Aken