To the Queen of Hearts Castle

Geraldton Guardian

Eleasha Donovan’s winning Upper Primary Poetry entry in the Geraldton Regional Library’s 2016 Randolph Stow Awards. Eleasha represents Waggrakine Primary School.

Inside the deep, dark, deceptive woods,

where no one goes but really should,

there lives a super, doper, spectacular place,

that has never ever seen a mortal face,


Well except for the weird, wonderland, fae kind,

where they like to decipher and invade ones mind.

There are a myriad of flowers of all different colours,

in gardens, where they banter about their lovers,

Trees are so tall, higher than you can see,

they reach the clouds grown from one little seed.

If you go walking through Queen of Heart’s domain,

beware of the fae, they will turn your dreams into their game.

There’s a cat with a big smile and black and white stripes,

A face with big, purple, bulging and glistening eye lights.

He will fade away with a big grin on his face,

and he will leave a foul taste in your mouth called haste.

On your way to the castle grounds,

you’ll find the Mad Hatters table with tea upside down.

You’ll be seated to eat cookies and drink the English tea,

and whilst nibbling, you’ll hear the famous singing tree.

You say goodbye and you’re on your way,

to the Queen of Hearts Castle and there you stay.

When you arrive the queen is easily misled,

And she chases after you saying “Off with your head”.

Suddenly, you wake up to your mother calling your name,

and you wonder to yourself “was it all just a game”.

So remember don’t be confused, puzzled or misled,

because it may be you who wasn’t asleep in your bed.

* Copies of the 2016 winners booklet can be purchased from Geraldton Regional Library for $12.

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