Visit to job and skills centre leads to work at school

Geoff VivianGeraldton Guardian
Camera IconDavid Ronan. Credit: Geoff Vivian, The Geraldton Guardian

In December David Ronan was looking for a job — now he is an Aboriginal and Islander education officer at Waggrakine Primary School.

It began when he called in to the Geraldton campus of Central Regional TAFE to update his resume and a friendly staff member encouraged him to come to the new Jobs and Skills Centre.

“There was a job going out at Waggrakine School, so I applied for it,” he said.

“It was great. These guys helped us with the funding to get me a Working with Children Check for the Education Department.

“Once that went through, I was going to get it.”

Camera IconLeroy Ronan played the didgeridoo after Donna Ronan’s welcome to country. Credit: Geoff Vivian, The Geraldton Guardian

Mr Ronan told his story to Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery after she officially opened the centre at the Geraldton campus recently.

“It combines the resources of Central Regional TAFE and Joblink Mid West to be a one-stop shop,” the minister said.

“It is for people looking for advice and assistance on training opportunities or employers wanting to know what training is available to match the needs of their workforce.”

Ms Ellery said the centre also served people looking for career advice and assistance in preparing resumes and the like, and was one of eight similar new centres in regional WA.

“We took the time to work with local communities and our local partners to make sure each Jobs and Skills Centre in each of the regions matched the specific needs of that region,” she said.

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