A guide to planning an international holiday with friends

Jasmine Loda-Batey The West Australian
Camera IconJasmine in Europe. Credit: Jasmine Loda-Batey/The West Australian

In September of 2023, I planned my first international trip with my childhood best friend.

What originated as an idea to spend six weeks traipsing across seven countries was rethought and remolded a million times into something completely different. After much painstaking planning, the trip in actuality spanned 21 jam-packed days across four countries and seven cities.

Holidays, especially international holidays, don’t always turn out exactly like the idea you had at the start. Money, time, work and a variety of other factors can impact even the simplest of plans and sometimes before you know it, you’ve booked a winter holiday in Canada instead of summer in Europe.

Organising a holiday is hard at the best of times, but the difficulty really begins when you bring other people into the mix.

Everyone has experienced a family holiday where none of the decisions are your own and the itinerary is simply whatever your parents decide, leaving none of the responsibility on you. Holidays with friends are more tricky in strategy and execution — a lesson I learnt quickly.


If you’ve ever been on a holiday with friends that you’d never repeat which took blood, sweat and tears to make it to the airport, or you are about to embark on the trip of a lifetime with your closest pals, these tips are for you.

Here is what I learnt about planning a trip with your closest friend(s) to ensure you return home still friends.

Organising Finances

This one is tricky and always will be. Maybe you have more money than your friend(s), maybe you have less. Maybe none of you has two cents to rub together — in which case a holiday probably shouldn’t be your top priority.

At the start of planning my trip, before we even began talking about locations and dates, we discussed realistically what our individual budgets looked like.

While this can be stressful, it is absolutely vital to the survival of the trip.

After agreeing on the amount we were both prepared and able to spend on flights, accommodation, insurance and other essential purchases, it was easy to create a game plan.

Planning how much money you will need for spending is a guessing game, but it’s important to set a realistic budget and go from there.

My tip If you’ve chosen to go on a trip with a friend, you have to be accommodating of each other’s budget, which may mean B&B stays instead of private villas.

Camera IconStill friends. Jasmine with Michael Weightman. Credit: Jasmine Loda-Batey/The West Australian

Choosing Dates and Location(s)

Choosing dates and locations can be the hardest (or easiest) aspect of holiday planning. You will often find people will either have a lot of locations in mind, one specific spot, or nowhere.

I wanted to go to France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Croatia and Germany — an extensive list I admit. While we agreed on most locations, my friend had a shorter itinerary in mind.

How did we come to a decision? We first decided on how long we could feasibly be away. I was job hunting and knew that, while six weeks was my dream, it was a little unrealistic to pitch to a new boss. My friend was relatively new to their job so we both agreed that six weeks was too long and eventually settled on three.

After this we drew up pros and cons for each location, including a list of activities and their distance from each other (don’t waste your whole holiday on a plane or train). Coming to an agreement on the places we wanted to visit the most (Netherlands, France, Italy and Croatia) meant we could confirm our itinerary and start booking.

Some people decide on the location before choosing dates and that’s completely fine, we just found that choosing dates first was easier for us, but there’s no hard and fast rule.

My tip It’s important to be rational and realistic about your goals to yourself and each other from the very start to avoid any conflict. If you can’t afford an extravagant six week holiday in Europe, don’t say you can.

Camera IconJasmine in Europe. Credit: Jasmine Loda-Batey/The West Australian

Comprising and Making Sacrifices

Everyone is different. This means that no matter what, there will have to be a push and pull of compromise and sacrifice throughout the planning of your trip. Maybe you want to visit every museum in Florence but your friend(s) would rather explore every bar in the area.

These things are not mutually exclusive but can become arguments if someone really doesn’t care for museums, or (unlikely) bars.

There are two solutions to this issue. Either go alone or come to a compromise.

For me, there were many instances in which we had to compromise and sacrifice ideas, but it was always to an equal extent with relatively small sacrifices like deciding on tours. If one of us wanted to do something the other truly didn’t, we held no hard feelings about them following through. As an example, my friend wanted to visit their uncle in Croatia and go hunting, which wasn’t my cup of tea. As a compromise, we planned it so they could go hunting and I could go sightseeing. A win-win.

If you really want to do something, do it, even if you have to do it alone. Going on a holiday together doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to fulfill your lifelong dream of visiting the Louvre or bungee jumping — it just means you should give your friend(s) the option to join you.

My tip Don’t argue over menial problems, but hold your ground. If visiting every karaoke bar in Rome is important to you, express that to your friend(s).

Setting Boundaries

Boundaries in any relationship are important, that’s a fact. Setting boundaries when you are going to be in each other’s space every day for weeks is survival. If you have firm boundaries that you need to set from the start, like not sharing hotel rooms or wanting to do certain activities alone, they should be discussed prior to the trip.

Other boundaries, such as warning your friends that when your headphones go on, you want some time alone or discussing possible uncomfortable scenarios and how to deal with them, are also important to voice early.

I (as I imagine everyone does) often need time alone to decompress, which is hard to find on any holiday. I made it clear before leaving that there would be days that I would need to go back to the accommodation in between activities to relax, but my companion had no obligation to do the same. Essentially, I wouldn’t be offended if they wanted to explore the city while I took some time to myself.

There are also boundaries you will set once you’re on your trip, things that will happen in the moment, like not wanting to sleep with the aircon on, and that’s completely normal.

Clear communication at the start and throughout the trip ensures that no one gets their feelings hurt.

My tip Don’t be afraid to voice any concerns you may have, even if you think they’re silly. Five times out of 10 your friend(s) will be thinking the same thing.

Camera IconJasmine in Europe. Credit: Jasmine Loda-Batey/The West Australian


Even the best planning can be jeopardised by events out of our control. Delayed or missed transport, sickness and poor weather are just some of the things that can go wrong once you’re actually on your holiday.

We got sick in Rome, injured in Amalfi, rained-in in Croatia, nearly scammed in Paris and were delayed countless times — it’s all a part of the fun.

After 21 days of fast-paced adventure, we were both tired and cranky from lack of sleep but returned home having experienced the holiday of a lifetime. We may have needed a few days away from each other upon our return to decompress but, now six months later, I can safely say we’re still best friends.

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